CXN provides and manages service and support for a wide array of different clients, each with their own diverse needs. The backbone of any successful business are the people that move it along and contribute to it’s continued growth. We are always looking to build positive relationships with like-minded service providers and work together for a common goal. Take a look at just a few of the reasons to partner with CXN.

Your Success is our Success
The concept is a simple one. If we can help drive additional work order volume to you, it will contribute to the overall strength of your business which in turn ensures a continued presence, availability, and willingness to assist CXN in servicing present and future clients.
Passive Workload Increase
New customer and work generation expends precious resources. Whether you are spending time or money and advertising or other paid forms of lead generation it still gets pricey pretty quick. With CXN you let us know what your skills and capability are and we help match you with current and future clients and contracts. There is no need to do anything extra to generate work.
Workload Acceptance Flexibility
Only take on work that you want at the price that works for you. Available work orders that you have indicated that you want to perform are assigned automatically, you then complete them according to the agreed upon time frame and are compensated according to accepted commission amounts and payment terms.
Service Provider Registration
Connection to CXN has been completely streamlined. With us there is no contact form to submit and wait for someone to get back with you. Make your way through the registration with Service Connection and tell us about yourself, the different skills that you have, and your personal capability. Once you finish you will have instant access to your account. From there you will be able to review clients, see work order types, and indicate your interest in receiving and completing different types of orders.